JL Weiler, Inc. brings a high regard for detail, dedication to service, and museum-quality standards to the restoration and care of pipe organs in churches, universities, concert halls, and private residences throughout the United States and abroad. We are a worldwide supplier of restored artist-quality heritage pipe organs for the musically discerning buyer .
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Casavant Opus 1130 | St. John Cantius Church | Chicago, Illinois
Casavant Opus 1130 (four manuals, 57 ranks), rescued from the shuttered St. James United Methodist Church in Hyde Park, has been restored and installed at St. John Cantius Church, Chicago…. Read the Rest »

Skinner Opus 695 | St. Mark’s Lutheran Church | Marion, Iowa
A vintage three-manual Skinner pipe organ for a brand-new building: JL Weiler, Inc. completely restored (right down to the Electric Specialty Co. direct current generator) Skinner Organ Company’s Opus 695… Read the Rest »

Wurlitzer Opus 2005 | State Theatre | Sydney, Australia
ILLUMINATING THE PAST. We have restored this four-manual Wurlitzer console for our client in Australia. The scope of work included “de-nuking” (the removal of contemporary stopaction magnets, associated hardware, and… Read the Rest »